Reflexology is a Complementary Therapy that works on the feet or hands enabling the body to heal itself. Following Illness, stress, injury or disease, the body is in the state of "imbalance", and vital energy pathways are blocked, preventing the body from functioning effectively.
Reflexology can be used to help restore and maintain the body's natural equilibrium. This gentle therapy encourages the body to work naturally to restore its own healthy balance. Reflexology has been known to be effective for conditions such as Back Pain, Migraine, Fertility, Respiratory Problems, Arthritis, Sleep Disorders, Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks, Sports Injuries, Hormonal Imbalances, Digestive Disorders, Stress Relief and Many More!
Reflexology is a popular alternative therapy that promotes relaxation, improves circulation, reduces pain, soothes weary feet, and encourages overall healing.
Reflexology does not claim to be a miracle cure, but it is believed that its benefits can have a powerful healing effect as it allows our bodies to recover to their proper balance and eliminates unhealthy blockages.
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